Pharaonic era W6w20050421014505159d978521d

اذا قمت بالتسجيل عزيزى/تى الزائر/ة قم بتفعيل عضويتك بالضغط علي رابط التفعيل في رسالة خاصة ترسلها ادارة الموقع الي بريدك الاليكترونى ... ولتصفح أفضل ننصح باستخدام متصفح فايرفوكس أو متصفح جوجل كروم

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Pharaonic era W6w20050421014505159d978521d

اذا قمت بالتسجيل عزيزى/تى الزائر/ة قم بتفعيل عضويتك بالضغط علي رابط التفعيل في رسالة خاصة ترسلها ادارة الموقع الي بريدك الاليكترونى ... ولتصفح أفضل ننصح باستخدام متصفح فايرفوكس أو متصفح جوجل كروم

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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Pharaonic era

اذهب الى الأسفل

Pharaonic era Empty Pharaonic era

مُساهمة من طرف layaly الثلاثاء 25 أكتوبر 2011 - 23:53

Pharaonic era

Do not return the importance of this history to his feet only, but the nature of the continuation of this history Fsourh historical coming in is no different, each Ktara from the other continued to pharaonic history, continuous events, and succeeded the ancient Egyptians to preserve the general features of its history through the ages different long despite the vulnerability of Egypt, sometimes by factors rupture and the internal turmoil, or that there are events and the effects of foreign invasions and migrations of foreign, but the ancient Egyptians managed to get out of this adversity, and difficulties since the Neolithic period until the invasion of Macedon in 332 BC, and excelled the Egyptians tolerance with regard to faith and belief every region Mabboudath private and this shows HH thinking in the ancient Egyptian.

Began in Egypt The first development to know the secret of lighting the fire, then the second development is the main in the areas of material life of man the old, namely knowledge of a craft of Agriculture, began in Egypt evolution moral culture of the ancient Egyptians knowledge of writing after knowledge of the arts, and after maturation culture began to appear in Egypt and the Middle doctrines and legislation and the foundations of science and then brightened the monotheistic religions, which still is the guidance to the worlds ancient and modern, and has been Egypt's civilization and its implications for the physical, technical and abundant and many from the rest of the effects of civil servants and other civilizations of old, and continued to develop and progress throughout the ages.
نائب المدير

تـــاريخ التسجيـــل : 02/07/2010
التقييـــــم : 58766
العمــــر : 40
الموقع : فينوس العرب
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