The sons of Zion ... black history ... W6w20050421014505159d978521d

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The sons of Zion ... black history ... W6w20050421014505159d978521d

اذا قمت بالتسجيل عزيزى/تى الزائر/ة قم بتفعيل عضويتك بالضغط علي رابط التفعيل في رسالة خاصة ترسلها ادارة الموقع الي بريدك الاليكترونى ... ولتصفح أفضل ننصح باستخدام متصفح فايرفوكس أو متصفح جوجل كروم

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The sons of Zion ... black history ...

اذهب الى الأسفل

The sons of Zion ... black history ... Empty The sons of Zion ... black history ...

مُساهمة من طرف جوهرة الاسكندرية السبت 9 أكتوبر 2010 - 8:47

The sons of Zion ... black history ...


The word "Zionist" is derived from the word "Zion" is one of titles of Mount Zion, which is closest to the place of the Temple in Jerusalem, as is mentioned in the sheets sacred to Christianity, Judaism, and reflect the word "Zion" for the Promised Land when the Jews and the return of Jews to that land. And conventionally thought and political movement to integrate the Jews in the diaspora and resettlement in Palestine, culminating in its establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the first use of the term Zionism is Nathan Bernbaum Jewish philosopher Austria in 1890 was held the first Zionist Congress in Basel, in Switzerland to be the application of Zionism in a practical Palestine also worked to facilitate Jewish immigration and Jewish support for economic projects.

Historical background

Says thinkers Zionists that the need to establish a Jewish national home, old emerged especially after the Babylonian captivity at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, as well as a belief of religious Jews to the Promised Land has been given by God to the children of Israel, then this gift is eternal and irreversible, but they were not enthusiastic about much of Zionism considering that the Promised Land and the State of Israel does not must be built by humans, as is the case, but must be based on the hands of the Messiah!

A number of Jews recently at the beginning of the twentieth century, individual housing in Palestine, but they are a minority, but of modern Zionism can not appearing only when the secularization of life Alihudypan by the movement of Enlightenment Jewish "Alhscalah" headed by Moses Mendelssohn in the eighteenth century AD, which contributed stay away from the Orthodox Jewish religion and create a spirit of nationalism united by religion, in the beginning of the Enlightenment tried to melt the Jews in European society. Liberal Reform Judaism movement in Germany sought to make the reduction in the Jewish community and accept the German culture.

But Olympic lost the political and racial persecution of the Jews proved they can not integrate into other cultures, even in light of secularism emerged as a string of modern anti-Jewish, especially in Russia after the death of Tsar Alexander II, was paid by Jews to immigrate to the United States and Atkaddo that their historical role is the scapegoat for the people. And there is an issue the French commander of the Jewish-Dreyfus, who was accused of treason in 1894 incorrectly, which showed anti-Semitism in the army and Asagtab a number of politicians and community leaders, progressives against the Romanian Orthodox Church and the army. In the middle of the nineteenth century appeared Hakhaman called for Jews to pave the way for the Messiah to establish a national home and the back of the German Jewish philosopher Moses Hess in his book Rome and Jerusalem and said the Jewish problem lies in the lack of a national homeland for Jews.

Successive events rushed between the years 1890 - 1945 was the beginning of the events is the tendency of anti-Semitism in Russia and through the camps of forced labor by the Nazis in Europe and the end by burning mass of Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II, the growing feeling of Jewish survivors of all said to establish an entity that embraces Jews and convinced the vast majority of them Jews, the establishment of an entity in Palestine, most Jews supported the efforts to create a state between the years 1945 - 1948, but some Jews Differ in repressive practices committed by Zionist groups in Palestine against the Palestinian Arab people

Wrote the article

User creative Osiris

It was translated by

Jewel of Alexandria

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جوهرة الاسكندرية
جوهرة الاسكندرية

تـــاريخ التسجيـــل : 23/09/2010
التقييـــــم : 49757

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